It’s finally here! MAY is upon us and the official 2023 RFTW Ride is only days away!
My name is Diann “Mojo” McKee, and I’m the Southern Route’s sit-rep writer for this year. Of all the jobs I’ve held on the run during my years, I’ve never been sit-rep writer. So—-here goes! Just a note—-the sit-reps will not have any pictures attached. This year, “Eyes,” our RC, has a Social Media person who will be taking & posting MANY pictures throughout the day and on all the media sites. What a great way to really see what’s going on——all throughout the run!
Here it is—Sunday. Excitement is building as the riders keep arriving during the day. Hugs and handshakes are abundant. The parking lot is filling up rapidly with bikes trying to find a spot, and the merchandise trailer is already doing a brisk business. It’s wonderful seeing old friends, again—being glad that they were able to make it one more year.
Talk about organized chaos. All the different leadership teams were trying to get things distributed to their team members throughout the day. But excitement was everywhere. Tomorrow’s schedule is packed with many meetings, along with some special events. And tonight offered a church service at the host hotel. Yes, today was a time to relax (i.e. release some of the pent-up energy!) with our RFTW family. Then, getting a good night’s sleep—ready for leadership meetings— and seeing even more old friends AND greeting new FNG’s as they arrive.
As the evening progressed, you could see many gatherings of old friends in the different hotels. To see the riders getting together, socializing and catching up on their lives is what makes everything so worthwhile. Not to mention that it helps calm the “run jitters,” despite how many times we’ve already done it. THAT never goes away. Comparing our similar little personal trials with each other seems to help us forge ahead for the intense days facing us.