Greetings again from Weatherford, Texas!
For those of you familiar with the writings of Douglas Adams, you know that the number 42 has very significant meaning. It’s significant for me today because 42 years ago today (17APR1981), I signed on the dotted line of enlistment that led to becoming an Army Infantryman and then on to a flying career in the Navy. But how does that apply to you? It’s all about timing and taking advantage of an opportunity while it’s still available. If you haven’t registered for Run For The Wall, your opportunity is now!
The “Regular Registration” period is still in effect through 30 APR 2023 with registration fees for CA to DC Routes at $60 and for the SandBox Route at $20. On Monday, 01 MAY 2023, those registration fees will step again to the “Last Minute Joe” rates of $75 and $25, respectively. Don’t put it off any longer!
Not only will your earlier registration save you some dollars, but it is also a huge benefit to our supporters who put so much heart into providing for you at every stop along the journey. Your RC receives a Registration Report every week which is turned into updates to your State Coordinators and the participation planning for our supporters. They can’t plan for you to be there if they don’t know you’re coming!
Finally, your early registration supports the Mission. Opportunities abound for your participation in direct support to the Mission on the Leadership Teams, on Outreaches, and for projects that may just need your expertise for success. When you register, the family then knows you’re coming, and you’ll be on the distribution for updates and opportunities as they arise. So, get on board and get involved – you’ll get more out of your participation if you put more into it!
If you’re looking to participate for only a couple of days on the road, the “Day Rider” Registration may be your best option. Day Riders may register for up to 2 full days on the road with RFTW and participate in all activities at the three locations that bound those 2 days. The reduced Registration Fee is equal to the Early Bird rate that was initially offered when registration opened. Look for the Day Rider option on the registration page where you select your route. You can find more info on the Day Rider Newsletter here: Day Rider Registration.
That’s all for now. It’s almost May and first KSU out of Ontario is just over 4 weeks away. Are you ready?
Billie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator
e: billie.dunlap@rftw.us
Together We Ride