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RFTW SandBox RC Newsletter – August 2021

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Howdy from Texas!

My newsletters typically attempt at light discussion of personal observation or discussion for which we all may have an interest.  However, as I write this newsletter, there’s not much levity I can think of.  As a Veteran of multiple SandBox Era operations dating back to 1991, my thoughts are with those fellow Veterans, Patriots and families who watch as the product of our efforts and sacrifices appear to evaporate in the wind.  I know that many are hurting and don’t know where to place those feelings that may not have risen in a long time.  But the consequences of our government’s inability to learn from history do not negate or even diminish your efforts and sacrifice.  You made a difference!  You are someone’s vision of an American!  You lit a spark that may someday grow to a flame of courage in young people who may learn to understand what freedom really means as many of them will now see it from the wrong side of the fence.

A very good friend and neighbor here in Texas writes a daily blog.  With his permission, I’d like to share his entry from 24 August:

Consider this…of great hope and great disappointment

I wish there was always some reward equivalent to the sacrifice, but in life that’s not always true.  What I’ve come to learn is that we are left with intent.  Intent doesn’t keep score. Intent is a direction not the destination; it’s aspirational. Trying to do the right thing is more admirable than doing the wrong thing or doing nothing.

A friend of mine remarked that the reason I’m a good executive coach (it presupposes that I am) is that I don’t get my feelings hurt when people don’t do what I expect.  It’s about the intent for me. I can’t control the outcome, only my input. Every parent knows that feeling.

And so it is with Afghanistan. After 20 years we’ve given it our best effort at giving another country what we have.  The good intent was there. You can’t give people something they don’t understand or can’t appreciate. Democracy is simple but incredibly complex, it’s subtle but in your face.

Oh, I understand why we went there, but it’s not why we stayed.  

For those that went, sacrificed and those that didn’t come back, thank you and yours! Incrementally, the world is a better place because of the sacrifices you made and the intentions you took with you.

Happy trails…

The author of that entry is Ken Davis, an Air Force Veteran who always provides sage advice, tremendous insight and “Cowboy Logic” for difficult and complex issues.  Thanks Ken, for allowing me to share your words with my RFTW Family.

I hope and pray that all my SandBox Era family are finding the support, comfort, and guidance they need as this volatile situation continues to unfold – MG Chris Donahue’s lifting his boot off the ramp may mean we’re out of the country, but this is far from over.  Remember that the greatest successes with the most lasting value are those achieved with personal relationships – those you developed during your service and those with extended family members who now surround you.  You are never alone and you won’t be left behind.

Before I close, one bit of business… In just a few minutes, I will be sending out a Registration Process update to all SandBox Riders who were previously registered and those who were on the Standby List.  If you believe you were Registered or on Standby for the 2021 SandBox Route and you don’t see an e-mail from with the subject line “2022 SandBox Route Registration Plan”, please send an e-mail to that address and let me know.

Remember, all roads lead to all roads so no matter where you go, TOGETHER WE RIDE!


Bugs out!

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RFTW XXXII Sand Box Route Coordinator

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