Greetings from Weatherford, Texas!
Halfway to May
Passing through November means we are halfway to May and the months are flying by. The cool temperatures in North Texas tell me that the season change is here and that it’s time to winterize the bike. Of course, for my riding family you all know that just means I’m adjusting the vents on the lower fairing. My RFTW Family is made up of the hardest charging, the most capable and the most experienced riders I’ve ever known. If you’re not humbled to saddle up with this bunch, then you just don’t know them. I’ve been riding almost 44 years and I can tell you that I certainly am!
Let Freedom Ring!
At the last Board of Directors meeting, all four RC’s presented their Alternate Route plans to make preparations for contingency operations should we have to modify our routes due to local or state restrictions. All these plans point to one essential and immovable goal that we all have for next May – there will be a Run! One of our strongest obstacles to executing on the original plan was somewhat assuaged earlier this month by the people of Virginia. While there is no guarantee that future conditions will support our passage, I am personally comforted to know that we are now several steps closer to reaching a Mission Start from Arlington on 29 MAY as originally planned.
RFTW FNG Town Hall on Zoom
Bob “Captain America” Nelson, the Southern Route Coordinator is hosting an All-Routes Town Hall Zoom Meeting to provide an introduction to Run For The Wall and answer FNG questions. It should be a great discussion. Find more info in Bob’s RC Newsletter at here.
Leadership Team Highlight
With this newsletter, I’d like to highlight a rider who has been working with me, supporting our Mission and our Run since I was selected as Southern Route RC in June 2018. He is a former (no such thing as former) Marine who rides out of Arizona. Most days you would have to look on the road to find him as he is out on a charity ride, or a long road trip to support someone in need. Last May he helped plan and lead a cross country patriotic monuments and memorials tour that was a phenomenal success. On the SandBox Route Leadership Team, he is never more than a text away from helping us prepare and organize any administrative or operational aspect of our Route planning. He provides an essential service to our monthly meetings in scheduling and announcing them to the group, often making sure I stay on track for dates and times and then records the discussions and proceedings to ensure we all stay accountable for commitments and expectations. He does all this while seeking no reward or recognition, only seeking to serve the Mission to which his dedication is strong and unwavering. So, I’d like to offer and encourage all to give a big RFTW Family THANK YOU to our SandBox Route Admin Support Lead and my BFAM, Mike “Bonehead” Kyzer! Thank you, Mike!
Following is a reprinted excerpt from my still relevant 31JAN2020 RC Newsletter…
Are You Ready?
I sincerely doubt any of us would answer “No” to that question, but let’s break it down to the basic issues that we all need to consider before getting on the road in May…
- Mechanical Condition – Be sure your bike is in good condition for a 1000 (or more) mile ride. Although our Route is planned at just over 800 miles, those of us who ride one of the legacy routes from Ontario may have put as much as 6000 miles on the bike before we even leave DC. Tires, oil change, and scheduled servicing may be available somewhere along the way but doing it during our short 3 days of the Run will take away valuable time you would otherwise have available for the Mission.
- Physical Condition – The Run always includes long, hot, cold, dry, wet, misty, tiring, enjoyable days on the road. Be sure that your mortal engine is ready for the long haul as well. Some simple daily activity, exercise or walks will pay off well in keeping you awake, alert and safe on the road. Our Hydration Support crew works very hard to ensure there will ALWAYS be water available for you to pick up between segments of the Route. Some people start hydrating early so they get used to holding more water – your choice, but regardless of conditions, be prepared to drink a lot of water along the way!
- Mental Condition – I’ve written a lot in the past about PMA – Positive Mental Attitude. Keeping that in mind, we all bring our own ideas and expectations for what the Run will mean to us and what we would like to get out of it. Be positive, talk positive and share positive with others. For me, this positively incredible event is a family reunion with a purpose and a Mission Statement of Healing, Accounting, Honor and Support and I ALWAYS have high expectations!
Standby Registration Update
On 01 NOV, there were only 54 people signed up for the 89 opens spots on the SandBox Route. That morning, I sent e-mails with Registration instructions (link and password) to each of those listed. To date, less than 25 of those have registered. If you want the spot for which you applied, please take advantage of this opportunity before your window closes on 01 DEC. if you were on the StandBy Registration list and can’t find the e-mail from sb-registration@rftw.us in your inbox, trash or junk folder, please let me know – I want to get you registered!
If you are not on the StandBy List and want to be, please write me at sb-registration@rftw.us to let me know. In that message, please tell me two things – 1) Your full name, and 2) whether you are registering as a motorcycle rider, motorcycle passenger, or if you will be in a 4-wheeler. That’s all that’s needed to get you listed – all the rest will come when you actually register.
As you can see, there are PLENTY spots still open – one of them should have YOUR name on it!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Recently, I saw a social media post that said, “Unless you have spent significant time outside of the good old USA, don’t lecture me on how the world works. Go to any country and you will see just how good you have it here.” As one who has spent plenty time outside the USA, I can certainly understand that sentiment of frustration. Here in our country, there is plenty of anger and foul rhetoric to go around, but in the end, we must act like Americans and keep our focus on the big picture. Succumbing to the personal victimhood mindset often sacrifices liberty for political ideology and makes that big picture hard to see. As our family of Veterans and Patriots knows very well, we all have much for which to be thankful and protecting the Freedom to enjoy it should never be far from our minds. So, with a sincere spirit of gratitude for all the blessings we enjoy as free Americans, I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Remember, all roads lead to all roads so wherever you go, TOGETHER WE RIDE!
Bugs out!