Another greeting from The San Bernardino National Forest!
It’s March! I hope that the weather where you live is starting to warm up enough to enjoy some routine motorcycle riding. Most of us do not need an excuse to get on a motorcycle, but if you do, consider looking locally for a group such as PGR or American Legion Riders, so that you can get used to riding with others in formation. May will be here before we know it.
Over the last few weeks, we have held meetings with our state coordinators and other leadership to finalize changes in meal and gas stops. It is always amazing to me when I realize just how many hours state coordinators log to make sure that our trip across country runs as smoothly as possible. The itinerary was posted, removed for revisions, and will be reposted soon. Carol Olmstead, our Ontario Coordinator, has also been busy readying for our arrival, organizing a Meet and Greet for Sunday May 10, and a Spaghetti Dinner for May 12 after the Safety Meeting.
This year, thirty participants from RFTW will have the privilege of washing the Korean War Memorial. I had the honor of participating a few years ago, and that act of service produced an emotional experience for me… I felt connected to those who made that ultimate sacrifice so many years ago. If you have never had the opportunity to participate, I urge you to consider it. I will assign volunteers on a first come-first served basis. If you’d like to volunteer, email me at tom.miller@rftw.us ASAP.

Calling all Campers! Dave “Bounce” Talley offered to serve as our Camping Coordinator! If any camper has any questions, Dave can be reached by calling (716) 347-8520, or writing grabagear@yahoo.com. Thanks, Dave!

Last item: As of this writing, our Central Route has 381 registered riders. Please make sure both you and your motorcycle are in top condition by the time May arrives.
Ride safely,
Tom (Boomps) Miller
Run for the Wall
Central Route Coordinator