I attended the all routes reunion in Kerrville TX, this was organized by the Southern Route and what a great event this was, I would encourage all route members to attend this event. The venue was great and the rides well organized.
The State Coordinators are working with the hotels on the route to make sure there is rooms and rates ready for publishing in January.
Registration: Please pre-register online, this will help the leadership prepare for the route, also it will save manpower in having to enter data into the system by hand afterwards. The cost of pre-registration is only $30.00 and you don’t have to pay until you arrive at point of destination. If you decide to walk in and register the cost is $50.00.
Whether you pre-register or walk in you still need to present your Docs to the registration team.
Lest we forget,
Eamon “Boomer” Tansey
2019 Central Route Coordinator