Ruby and I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and safe travels for the season. We hope each and every one of you will enjoy your time with family and friends! Imagine, it is less than a month till 2024 and only 150 days to KSU for the Midway Route.
Time flies when you’re having fun….
The Midway team is hard at work to meet the schedule for the publication of the HOTEL List on 1 January. For all the old timers you know what that means; for the FNGs be on the alert and act quickly with your reservation at the host hotels, especially in California and DC! The itinerary is in the final stages and will be published as scheduled.
I am concerned about registration as well as the amount of donations to date. If you are not registered, please do so as soon as possible. We need our rider numbers for the State Coordinators to accomplish support planning for our meals along the way!! Not to mention the fact that the early bird registration pricing is over on January 31, 2024.
The Army/Navy game and the hotel raffle has not generated significant funds as in the past.
Trying to figure out the problem??
Please, let me know any issue, if you have participated in the past but not this year, for what reason?? All these funds go to support rider fuel cost. We have not generated enough so far to even pay for one fuel stop. We have the Super Bowl Board coming up. I’m asking all of you to participate. It pays $100.00 per quarter and one square could get you the $100.00!
Last year we filled two boards!!!!
Leadership is busy accumulating the equipment requirements for each team, so our order can be placed. The planning for our activities in both Ontario and DC are in the early planning stages. As soon as, the schedule of events is solidified, we will publish the schedule, so you can make your plans accordingly. Midway is the only 11 Day route and we will depart Ontario on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024.
We still have leadership and support team member openings on Staging, Chase, and the Platoons. Please fill out a volunteer form if you would like to participate on one of these teams.
I know this letter is short and sweet but be prepared for the New Year! We need to start the New Year Running toward May!! After 1 January things will begin to get hectic. I ask that each of you please make time to participate in the Zoom calls that apply to your area of responsibility. Leadership needs your input!!
Without your participation something could be missed!!
Is It May Yet!!!!!!
Don “10-A-SEE” King
Midway Route Coordinator