Run For The Wall has been chosen for a Great Honor. On Sunday May 24, 2020 we will assist the National Park Service (NPS) with the washing of the Korean War Memorial. The group will leave the Holiday Inn Ballston, KSU at 0600 with a 0630 start time. It will likely take only 2-2.5 Hours to complete. Many hands make light work
As RFTW and its riders support the Fallen from All Wars, we should be eager to support this Special Mission, as an extension of our own Mission. Many of us have Family or Friends who served in Korea. If we can get 30 volunteers, that’s 10 for each of the 3 long Routes, we can make short work of it, and know that we were a part of something very special.
Just let your Route Coordinator (RC) know that you are committed to this Special Mission, by sending an email along with your cellular number and email address. If we get more than 30, we will start a standby list.
Southern Route RC email address is :